I’m still living with your goodbye.. And you’re just going on with your life…
How can you just walk on by – without a single tear in your eye? Don’t you have the slightest feelings left for me?
I’ve dealt with my ghost and I’ve faced all my demons. Finally content with a past I regret.. I’ve found you find strength in your moment of weakness.. For once I’m at peace with myself.
I’ve been burdend with blame, trapped in the past for too long… I’m moving on.
I never dreamed home would end up somewhere I don’t belong..
Wish you could see that you’re just another part of me.. I need you, and I thought you needed me?
I loved like I should, but I lived like I shouldn’t. I had to lose everything to find out..
There’s no me without you..
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oi, kjemep fine bilder! likte veldig godt det øverste! 🙂
fine bilder!
kommentere tilbake?
Fine bilder 🙂
Fine bilder:)
kjempe fine bilder, du er flink:)
Fine bilder!
Fine bilder, kommentere tilbake ?
kjempe fine bilder 🙂
fine bilder 🙂